The International Zero Waste Cities Conference 2024, themed “Local Solutions to Global Problems,” stood as a pivotal gathering aimed at addressing the pressing challenges of waste management on a global scale. This conference served as a platform to pave the way towards a zero-waste future. Zero waste is the path to systemic change and contributes to solving several pressing human challenges: global warming, the plastics crisis, and environmental and social injustice.
This year’s International Zero Waste Cities Conference gathered government officials, civil society organizations and zero waste communities and practitioners in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In 2023, the baton was passed to the African region, signifying the spirit of cross-regional exchange that forms the bedrock of this conference. This is the first International Zero Waste Cities Conference hosted in Africa, building on inspiring previous ones held in Asia since 2009, therefore an emphasis on Zero Waste implementation in Africa is expected, recognizing the interconnectedness of the work being done globally.
Over 200 Representatives from several countries including the Philippines, Chile, the United States of America, Senegal, Ethiopia, Uganda, India, France, South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Brazil, Indonesia, Portugal, Tanzania, and many more countries are attending this highly interactive event. The IZWCC was an action-oriented conference designed to drive zero waste implementation forward and to prompt meaningful discussions between zero waste practitioners from various sectors. Government officials, socio-environmental organizations, funders and other zero-waste implementers and supporters will share experiences and insights on the opportunities to improve waste management through zero-waste approaches. The conference was also designed to be a commitment space where city representatives, civil society, and policymakers come together to commit to scaling zero waste implementation globally.
The International Zero Waste Cities Conference hosted by GAIA and Nipe Fagio advocated for “local solutions to global problems” through the advancement of zero waste across the globe. It kicked off with engaging opening remarks and inspiring keynote speakers, followed by thought-provoking plenaries and a panel discussion on achieving a zero-waste world. On behalf of Ms. Kemilembe Mutasa, Director of Environment in the Vice President’s Office of Tanzania, Mr. Onespholy Kamukuru delivered an inspiring welcome and overview emphasizing the urgency and importance of our collective mission to achieve the zero waste future. He highlighted the strides Tanzania has made in waste management and the role of innovative solutions in driving us forward.
The three-day event included panel discussions, keynote addresses, launches and commitment pledges from different government authorities and stakeholders, a site visit to a zero-waste community in Dar es Salaam, and a documentary screening. They discussed enabling factors for successful zero-waste systems, building alliances for zero-waste implementation, the potential of zero waste in reducing methane emissions and the commonalities among Global South countries working on zero waste. The importance of environmental justice in the solid waste management sector was also a key point of discussion. One of the highlights was the local perspectives of how zero waste has been advanced in Tanzania with the specific success cases of Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar.