Transformative Actions
We promote transformative action by implementing innovative solutions that create lasting, positive change in the environment and combat pollution.

The Zero Waste Model
Our motivation towards the implementation of the zero waste model is segregation at source; the model enforces household-level waste segregation at the source into four categories of waste. Residents receive training and orientation on the segregation of solid waste at the source.

Recycling Made Easy (RME)
Recycling Made Easy (RME) is an innovative approach to promoting sustainable waste management by providing households and businesses with an easy and convenient way to recycle their waste.

Waste Pickers Movement (WPM)
Waste Pickers are essential to ensure that recyclables are collected and that solid waste is properly managed.

Interact Bio (ICLEI)
INTERACT-Bio is designed to improve the utilization and management of nature within fast-growing cities and the regions surrounding them.

Youth Ambassador (YA
Youth Ambassador (YA) program is designed to provide opportunities for young people to develop their leadership skills, gain practical experience, and make a positive impact on their communities.